Pinterest Experts 2025

Every year, Archana Haarnack gets in touch with the best Pinterest Experts and puts together a unique guide about Pinterest Marketing. The “Pinterest Marketing Growth Strategies for 2025” is now live on her LinkedIn Page. Working with Pinterest 10 years ago wasn’t easy, there was almost no information about Best Practices and we were trying/testing […]

How to find The Best Trends on Pinterest

Pinterest is the best platform for trends, they have so much data that they are even able to predict trends before they are even happening in real life. They launch different reports and predictions during the year, so here is a recap for you to be up-to-date with the Trends and plan your content accordingly […]

Carteras de cuero hechas en Milan: Terramia

Hola! El 22, 23 y 24 de Noviembre en Milan se llevó a cabo un Festival llamado “Made in Milano Days”. Artesanos alrededor de la ciudad abrieron las puertas de sus locales/talleres para mostrarnos como trabajan. El jueves a la mañana fui a Terramia, donde Francesca trabaja con cuero y hace bolsos, carteras y otros […]

Volunteering for Viva Vittoria

I’m excited to share some amazing news about a project close to my heart that empowers women globally – and it all started in Italy! It’s called Viva Vittoria, and I’m thrilled to be part of it as a volunteer, supporting its online communication on Facebook and Instagram (and soon on Pinterest, fingers crossed!). This […]

Pinterest vs. Instagram: Comparando las dos plataformas

Hola amantes de Pinterest! Si están leyendo mi blog probablemente tengan alguna plataforma llena de contenido. ¿Será Instagram? ¿Será TikTok? Muy probablemente no es un blog. ¿Los blogs están muertos? ¿Qué hacés leyendo esto? jajaj. Hay muchas cosas para tener en cuenta antes de abrir un blog. Que el dominio, que la plataforma, que el […]

Decoraciones para Navidad: manualidades fáciles

Hola fans de Pinterest! A dónde vamos a buscar inspiración para decorar nuestra casa en Navidad? Sí, a Pinterest. La búsqueda relacionada a Navidad empieza temprano, en Septiembre. Pueden ser personas que buscan ideas para decorar sus casas, sus negocios,… o personas que buscan ideas para hacer junto a sus alumnos durante las últimas semanas […]

Aesthetic Home Office por Gabuleta

¡Hola a todos los amantes de Pinterest! Sé que todos usamos Pinterest para buscar inspiración, pero pocos lo usamos para subir nuestro trabajo. Soy Maria Laura, trabajo Pinterest Strategist desde 2015 y este año decidí empezar este blog para compartir contenido que creo que debería estar en Pinterest. Empiezo hoy uniendo dos cosas que me […]

Buongiorno, Tendenza su Pinterest Italia

Anche a te arrivano messaggi con delle immagini particolari per augurarti una buona giornata, una buona domenica o per farti gli auguri? Ti sei mai chiesto dove trovano queste immagini di Buongiorno? La risposta è: su Pinterest! Ogni singolo giorno le signore tra i 55 e i 64 anni entrano nella piattaforma per cercare delle […]

Pinterest Emotional Health Resources

Pinterest really cares about people’s feelings and well-being. How not to love Pinterest? I was recently searching for new keywords for one of my clients, and this page full of Emotional Health Resources came up. “Each of these resources includes different methods that may help you cope with feelings of stress, sadness and pain.” Have […]

Styling Chunky Sandals for Summer

Today I’m sharing what I wore to the Pinterest Manifestival at Cannes Lions. It was on the beach, so I knew it had to be light, and it was a Pinterest event, so I wanted a unique look with unique chunky sandals. Let’s break down the look: The Dress is from Princess Highway, one of […]