Pinterest Manifestival in Cannes

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Hello! I wanted to share some pictures from all the activations I visited in the Pinterest Manifestival in Cannes. I’ll write more about it later, maybe tomorrow on the train. It looks like the perfect activity for a 4-hours train trip underneath the mountains where the connection is lost every 5 minutes.

We had a tour with Maddie around the festival
I’m a proud Crocs owner now. And I own a unique pair.
The Collage section was super fun! Thanks Jasmin for all your help.
This is me when I realized I’m a Spring Color Person and not Fall as I have always thought.
Block Printing was so creative! We had a great talk with Sisetta.
I would have never thought about adding a lucky charm to my lip balm, but Pinterest always surprises me.

Keep tuned in for future content! I can’t wait to share more about this amazing experience.

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With love

Maria Laura

Meet Maria Laura

I’m a Pinterest Strategist & Fashion Designer based in Milan, Italy. Don’t expect a perfect blog, i’m just connecting real life with Pinterest. I want to convince you to upload your content to Pinterest. Let’s thrive on Pinterest!

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