My Pinterest Love Story

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It’s finally time. I’m ready to start, publish, and keep a blog updated. I have started collecting content for my future blog many, many years ago. I started when Pinterest didn’t even exist.

I was “surfing the web” and downloading images, taking screenshots from magazines, and keeping everything organized in folders. At the same time, I was creating collages by putting together my cutouts representing topics like “trends” or “styles”.

Everything was happening while I was studying Fashion Design. When I found Pinterest, I felt it was exactly what I needed, and I signed up to get an invitation to try it when it was in the beta phase.

Since then, I don’t remember a day without using it. I love to scroll and find inspiration for future projects, cute images, interesting quotes, beautiful outfits, makeup tutorials, easy recipes, travel guides, photography ideas, business tips… everything.

After many years and many accounts under different names and topics, I started working with clients through Upwork and it became my full-time job. I saved some money and moved from Argentina to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa, but I have never stopped working with my Pinterest clients.

This is me on December 4th, 2016. My friends Luciano and Fede Paul took me to the airport and took this cute photo of me.

I was able to travel the world while working on the platform keeping updated my clients’ profiles and driving traffic to their websites. I have worked from the most various places.

  • On a Ferry
  • On a Train
  • On a table next to the Beach (I think I took the photo and went back to Starbucks)
  • In the middle of the Australian Desert (this was the hardest one).
  • On the floor of a hostel room. (I had a job interview there).
  • From the most amazing libraries around Australia.
  • From Coworking spaces, bars (Starbucks is my fav!), houses, hotel rooms…

Even if I liked that flexibility, I learned that it’s better to travel for pleasure and have a comfortable desk at home for work. Also, a good internet connection is key and traveling wasn’t always possible.

I feel that now that I get to call Milan “home”, I’m in my most productive stage. I learned to balance work with travel, and life. When I work I work, and when I travel, I travel. There are still some cases where I need to travel with my laptop, but I learned to leave it at home and it has been a game changer.

Now that my life is “organized”, I finally started creating my personal content. I have been collecting tips, stories, photos, and videos to share online, and now I have my own Pinterest account with my own content. Follow me on Pinterest.

I really appreciate that you read until the end of this blog post. Please let me know if you would like to have more information about any of the things and places I mentioned in this post, I need content ideas. Thanks for reading!

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With love

Maria Laura

Meet Maria Laura

I’m a Pinterest Strategist & Fashion Designer based in Milan, Italy. Don’t expect a perfect blog, i’m just connecting real life with Pinterest. I want to convince you to upload your content to Pinterest. Let’s thrive on Pinterest!

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