Category: Travel

Muoversi a Zante senza Auto | 2024

Come Muoversi a Zante senza mezzo proprio a Luglio. Noi eravamo in due e non potevamo noleggiare un mezzo e siamo riusciti a fare molto con i taxi, autobus e transfer. Quanto si spende viaggiando in Taxi a Zante Abbiamo speso 30-40-60€ al giorno a seconda della destinazione. I prezzi sul sito di Zante Taxi sono corretti, mai pagato di

Iced Coffee - Caffe leccese

Iced Coffee – The Italian Way

If you are coming to Italy and would like to enjoy an iced coffee but would like to live the Italian experience, I think you should try this Caffè Leccese. It’s originally from the South of Italy (from the ‘heel of the boot’), but you might find places that can make it. “Caffè freddo per tutti ii gusti” (Iced coffee

The Best Gelato in Milan

We have found the best Gelato in Milan. Whenever someone comes to visit Milan, I take them to my favorite gelateria for ice cream. There is no way we are going somewhere else, this is the absolute best Gelato in Milan. What makes this gelato so special This gelato is special because it’s unique, it’s made right there, every day.

London Winter Outfits

Dressing for Cold Weather during my Remote Year while packing light was hard, but here is a blog post that will show you how I managed to find the most useful and classic London Winter Outfits. This trip was the first of my remote living year (2018) and I learned how to dress for really cold weather. I went for

Best Cannoli

The Best Cannoli Experience in Palermo

Welcome to Sicily. If you are looking for what to eat in Palermo, I’m sure you will look for the best cannoli. We found the best cannoli in a great and calm atmosphere. I highly recommend this Bakery shop. Imagine eating fresh pastries with this view. Under a tree, quiet inside the Monastero di Santa Caterina D’Alessandria. If you ask

Meet Maria Laura

I’m a Pinterest Strategist & Fashion Designer based in Milan, Italy. Don’t expect a perfect blog, i’m just connecting real life with Pinterest. I want to convince you to upload your content to Pinterest. Let’s thrive on Pinterest!

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