Best Cannoli

The Best Cannoli Experience in Palermo

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Welcome to Sicily. If you are looking for what to eat in Palermo, I’m sure you will look for the best cannoli. We found the best cannoli in a great and calm atmosphere. I highly recommend this Bakery shop.

Imagine eating fresh pastries with this view. Under a tree, quiet inside the Monastero di Santa Caterina D’Alessandria.

If you ask a Sicilian about cannoli, they will say that you need to visit a place where they fill it at the moment, and that’s part of the magic of this place. After you place your order, you need to go to the counter where your cannoli will be filled out according to your request. They are super fresh.

After trying the Cannoli, I chose some Lemon Pastries. They were also delicious.

Finally, we had the most incredible dessert, something I had never heard of: “Gelo di anguria”. It’s like watermelon frost and the portion was small. It was delicious. It even had pistachio on top. Definitely, the Gelo di Anguria is a fresh and delicate dessert that Sicilians eat during summer.

It was one of the best afternoon plans we had in Palermo. Please add it to your Google Maps lists, I’m sure you will love it. The bakery is called “I Segreti del Chiostro”.

Have you found similar places around Italy? Share with us! We need to know.

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With love

Maria Laura

Meet Maria Laura

I’m a Pinterest Strategist & Fashion Designer based in Milan, Italy. Don’t expect a perfect blog, i’m just connecting real life with Pinterest. I want to convince you to upload your content to Pinterest. Let’s thrive on Pinterest!

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